Diabetes Treatment In Sikar
Diabetes is a lifelong disease. It is a metabolic disorder in which the level of glucose in the blood of the patient is very high. When a person’s body does not produce enough insulin and the cells of the body do not respond properly to insulin. Against this, the production of insulin is very important for the body as it transports glucose from the blood to the cells of the body. That is why, when insulin is not made in the right amount, then it also affects the body metabolism of the victim.
Types of Diabetes:
From the food we eat, the body gets glucose which the cells use to provide energy to the body. If insulin is not present in the body, then it cannot do its work properly and cannot deliver glucose from the blood to the cells. Due to this glucose accumulates in the blood itself and excess glucose in the blood can prove to be harmful. There are generally 3 types of diabetes-
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes and
- Gestational diabetes is a problem of high blood sugar during pregnancy.
Diabetes Causes:
When the body is not able to use the glucose or sugar present in the blood properly. Then, the person develops the problem of diabetes. Generally, the main causes of diabetes can be these conditions-
- Insulin Deficiency
- Having diabetes in the family
- Growing Old
- High cholesterol level
- The habit of not exercising
- Hormonal imbalance
- High blood pressure
- Bad eating habits
Symptoms of Diabetes
According to the increased blood sugar in the body of the victim, the symptoms of diabetes appear in him. In most cases, if a person is suffering from pre-diabetes or type-2 diabetes, there are no symptoms at the beginning of the problem. However, in patients with type 1 diabetes, the symptoms of diabetes appear very rapidly and are also quite severe. The main symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are-
- Being very thirsty
- Frequent urination
- Excessive hunger
- Sudden increase or decrease in body
- Fatigue
- Irritability
- Blurred vision
- Take too long to heal
- Skin infection
- Oral infections
Diagnosis of Diabetes:
In case of symptoms of diabetes or diabetes, the doctor should be contacted. Some of these tests may be advised to diagnose diabetes-
A1C test or Glycohemoglobin Test:
This type of test is done for type 2 diabetes. In, the patient has to undergo a blood test once every 3 months, and his average blood glucose level is checked. The A1C test measures the level of glucose in the blood in numbers ranging from 5 to 10. If the test report shows a figure below 5.7 then it is normal. But if someone’s A1C level is seen as more than 6.5%, then he is called a patient with diabetes.
Fasting Plasma Glucose Test:
This is the most common blood test to understand the status of high blood sugar. For this test, a person has to give a blood sample while on an empty stomach. For which one is asked to starve for 10-12 hours. After that fasting plasma glucose test is done. This test is done to detect diabetes or prediabetes.
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test:
In this test too, a blood sample is taken while on an empty stomach. Two hours before the test, the patient is given a beverage containing glucose.
Random Glucose Tolerance Test:
In this type of test, the blood sample of the victim is tested 4 times. If the blood sugar level is found to be more than twice the normal, then the pregnant woman is confirmed to have gestational diabetes.
Diabetes Treatment:
There is no permanent cure for type 1 diabetes, therefore, a person has to be a patient of type 1 diabetes for the rest of his life. Such people have to take insulin with the help of which they try to control their condition. However, the symptoms of type-2 diabetes can be relieved without any medicine by exercising daily, balanced diet, having a timely breakfast, and controlling weight. Helps in controlling type-2 diabetes with the help of the right diet. Apart from this, some oral antibiotics medicines help prevent type 2 diabetes from progressing.