Asthma is a disease of the lungs that causes difficulty in breathing. In asthma, the airways become inflamed due to which the airways constrict. Due to the narrowing of the respiratory tract, the patient starts having problems breathing, sounding while breathing, chest tightness, cough, etc. There are two types of asthma based on symptoms – extrinsic and intrinsic asthma. External asthma is an immune response to an external allergen, which is caused by external allergens such as pollen, animals, and dust. Intrinsic asthma is caused by the inhalation of certain chemical substances into the body such as cigarette smoke, paint vapors, etc.
Symptoms of Asthma:
- Cough with mucus or dry cough.
- Feeling of tightness in the chest.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Wheezing sound while breathing.
- The condition worsens at night or in the morning.
- The condition worsens by breathing in cold air.
- Worsening of health during exercise.
- Breathing heavily, due to feeling tired.
- In severe cases, there is also an increased chance of vomiting sometimes.
Types of Asthma:
- Allergic asthma
- Nonallergic asthma
- Mixed asthma
- exercise-induced asthma
- Cough variant asthma
- Occupational asthma
- Nocturnal (Nighttime Asthma)
- Mimic asthma
- Child onset asthma
- Adult-onset asthma
Causes of Asthma:
Pollution is the biggest cause of asthma in today’s time. Tomorrow the fumes from factories, and vehicles are causing asthma. People are also suffering from asthma due to cold, flu, smoking, and change in weather. Some allergic foods cause respiratory diseases. Asthma can also occur due to the excess amount of acid in the stomach. Apart from this, drugs, alcohol consumption, and sometimes emotional stress also cause asthma. Excessive exercise can also cause asthma. In some people this problem is genetic.
Asthma Types and Causes:
Allergic Asthma:
During allergic asthma, you are allergic to something like coming in contact with dust and soil, you get asthma or you become asthmatic with the change of weather.
Nonallergic asthma:
This type of asthma is caused by an overdose of one thing. When you are under a lot of stress or laughing too loudly, you have got a lot of colds or have a lot of coughs and colds.
Mixed asthma:
This type of asthma can be caused by any number of reasons. Sometimes this asthma is due to allergic reasons and sometimes due to non-allergic reasons. Not only this, but it is also a bit difficult to find out the reasons for having this type of asthma.
Exercise-induced asthma:
Many people get asthma due to exercise or more physical activity, then many people become victims of asthma when they start working more than their capacity.
Cough variant asthma:
Sometimes the cause of asthma is phlegm. When you have a persistent cough or cough, you have an asthma attack.
Occupational asthma:
This asthma attack occurs suddenly during work. If you do the same type of work regularly, then often you start having asthma attacks during this time or your work environment does not suit you due to which you become a victim of asthma.
Nocturnal i.e Nighttime Asthma:
This is a type of asthma that occurs only at night, that is, when you often start having asthma attacks during the night, then you should understand that you are a victim of nocturnal asthma.